Monday, March 7, 2011

Auntie Ta-Ta was an awesome role model and taught Grandma, me, Max and Rory how to do Flirty Girl Fitness. (I'm not linking this because it is a bit risqué.) It was seriously super funny. Max was a riot trying to do the dance moves with us and Rory really didn't get it but totally enjoyed bouncing on the chairs during the chair dancing session. (See? Risqué!)

Outside of that we really didn't do much else at the lake on Saturday. Of course Max caught some fish, and Bopa caught the biggest fish he's caught yet on the lake so he was happy. We watched a movie and went to bed relatively early because we had big plans for Sunday as we were heading further north to go to my cousin Gwenda's bridal shower! It was really nice to see her, my cousins Jen and Haley, and my aunts Judy and Mary Kay. I'm so excited for Gwenda and Matt and it was really nice to get to have a pre-celebration. After the shower we stopped to visit with GG John and Uncle Tom and made sure to get in a photo shoot.

I know, we're really cute sometimes.

Today we had our first tumbling class. I didn't bring my camera as I expected to have my hands full and was not disappointed. Thankfully I'm the only parent with two children so the instructor used Rory as his model for what he wanted us to do while Max stuck very close to me. (He's never shy so I'm assuming this is still part of the adjustment.) We had a blast doing somersaults, walking the balance beam and bouncing in the bounce house. I think the kids are really going to enjoy this for the next month. Maybe I'll even get to bring my camera one of these times!

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