Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is the first day Rory will not receive a bottle. She doesn't know this yet, since she had been weened down to only an evening bottle at this point, it won't be apparent until bedtime. I'm hoping all our practicing at reading a bedtime story after her bottle will have worked and there won't be many tears.

I do, however, expect some tears. We're talking about the little girl that would come crawling over at full boar whenever we even got close to the kitchen sink and would throw herself flat on her back at your feet waiting for you to hand her a bedtime bottle.

I no longer get to look forward to Max running into Rory's room and climbing up on the bed saying "I give Rory bottle!" I no longer get to snuggle my baby girl as she holds her bottle in one hand and pulls the hair on the top of her head with the other.

My baby, and if things go as planned, my last baby, is no longer a baby today.

Yes, I think it will be a tough night.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww if you feel sad and want to come over and give Jane a bottle sometime I could probably pump for you :-)
