Friday, December 10, 2010

Some stories to share:

Story #1:
The last few nights Max has been waking up screaming and crying. It started while we were with my parents for Thanksgiving and it's been happening more and more regularly. Max has also decided that the only person that can console him is his Mommy. While this does melt my heart, I also feel bad for Dusty since he'll go to Max only to get yelled and swatted at and told "No, Mommy!" Plus? Since Dusty isn't working everyday like I am? It'd be nice to sleep while Dusty deals with the issues on the days he can sleep in. So last night I tried something different.

We used the Cry It Out Method, and I am a big fan of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. (You can follow their blog here, I love that I can go directly to the Author/Dr's with my questions!) The book discusses bad habits, and how children can actually start waking themselves up with the goal of getting attention during the night. So I did a little test last night. We did not go to Max when he woke up crying and screaming last night. We heard him get out of his room, and even come down the stairs where our bedroom is located. Instead of coming into our room though, he went into the family room then turned around and went back upstairs and returned to his room. He was crying this whole time and I was sitting waiting to see if he got scared but he never did. He just fell back asleep after his little expedition.

Keep in mind this whole ordeal didn't last more then 3 minutes, but of course I was wide awake after it since I was so stressed out waiting to see what he'd do, if I'd need to go to him, it was exhausting! Oh, and he did wake up with a dry diaper. So that threw out one of our earlier theories that he was waking up having to go potty. I'm sure making him go only escalated the situation as it required waking up even more. So now we'll see what happens tonight.

Story #2:
I rocked at Christmas shopping last night. I rarely enjoy shopping anymore. Especially in the evenings when I feel rushed to get home as soon as I can because there are always things waiting for me. Yesterday I was actually able to talk myself out of rushing as soon as I'd feel it start (which was numerous times), I spent as much time as I wanted debating over gifts, and I got almost everyone knocked off my list . It was invigorating! And to top it off, Santa even found Mommy some gifts. Seriously? Shopping for myself is horrible nowadays, but yesterday? I was able to find a few things for myself even. It was an amazing shopping day and I felt great when I got home.

Sidenote: If you're getting a gift from us this Christmas and don't like it? Well then I guess I failed, but I still don't care because that was one of the best solo shopping experiences I've had in a while.

Story #3:
My daughter's hair is just killing me! I refuse to cut bangs, I'm just not into them, but why does the front of her hair insist on falling over her face? Ponytails work great, so do clips, but Rory just plucks them out when she notices they are there. When is she going to realize that her hair stays out of her face if she leaves the hair piece alone? Oh the agony! Other then this small annoyance, her hair is absolutely adorable and getting longer and longer by the day. She's going to slay the boys with those curls, slay them!

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