Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rory is hitting. When Max started hitting I would get so upset and had a hard time keeping my cool. I specifically remember a few times having to walk away because I took it so personally. It's so funny how much changes between one child and the other.

When Rory hits, I usually pick her up and remove her from the situation. While I'm not pleased that she has hit, I'm also not nearly as upset or shocked. When I put her down? She usually turns on me and starts hitting my leg/arm/face/whatever is nearest. If Max had done this? I would have had to run out of the room I'd be so angry. When Rory does it? I have to stop myself from laughing!

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I'm holding higher standards for Max. It's just that Max has helped me relax a bit in my child rearing and has taught me how to recognize some of the stages that kids go through. (It comes with the territory of being the first born.) It also helps that when Max hits me, which he still does on occasion but very rarely, it hurts! So basically, when Rory hits me, she is so angry and wants to show me that anger by hurting me but the reality is that she couldn't even leave a red mark on my body if she tried. At least not at this age. So it's funny!

And that is where I get concerned. Max rarely hits when he is upset, and I have to believe that is because he sees that it is wrong and that it upsets me. Does this mean that Rory is going to see that I'm not upset, not even bored, but slightly amused? Will I have more of a struggle with teaching that hitting is unacceptable because I occasionally have to hide so she doesn't see me smiling? Now I may be biased being the oldest child myself, but I totally get why the younger kids are so much more messed up then us older ones!*

Hopefully we get this figured out before she can really start leaving a mark. I don't think I'd find that nearly as amusing as her little fits are right now.

*Yes, I'm being facetious here.

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