Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Friday, I'm looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing with my family this weekend. So I think we'll share some small stories and photos today.

Rory had pigtails in on Tuesday this week. (She is adorable in pigtails people!) That evening Daddy took her hair out and decided to comb it. What do you think of her new hairdo?

I don't like to post pictures of my kids in the bathtub. Well, OK, when they are fully clothed in the bathtub that is one thing. But I got these two pictures of the kids a few weeks ago and I have finally convinced myself that they are fine and really worth sharing as they are so cute!

And to finish off, two stories about why my children are geniuses. (Because you haven't heard that enough from me yet.)

Max is starting to talk in developed sentences and it has lead to some amazing revelations (and giggles). On Monday we went out to dinner. Max had Valentine stickers on his shirt and started sticking them to the side of the table. (I peeled them off before we left but Max didn't see that I had taken them off.) Fast forward to Thursday afternoon. We're in the car and Max tells me he wants to go back to Auntie's work house*. I told him we were staying home for dinner. He says to me, "My stickers are at Auntie's work house. I need to go there and go get them." It was so amazing as he paused a few times to form the words in his head before saying them so I could just see the wheels turning the whole time he put that sentence together. I was so proud.

*Auntie does not, in fact, work at "Auntie's Work House" anymore. We've tried to explain that to him but we have not been successful yet. He'll get it with time.

Rory can now sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Don't get me wrong, she's only 18 months old, she can't actually say all the words. But she can successfully sing the whole tune with gibberish words. The one mistake, that makes it even more adorable to listen to, is that she adds a 3rd line of "Twinkle twinkle little star" before getting to "Up above the world so high". It never fails to make me laugh, which in turn has Max and Rory giggling too. Maybe I have a Beethoven in the family?

I hope you have a good relaxing weekend. That's what I'm hoping for!

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