Saturday, January 1, 2011

We spent the first day of 2011 at the Minnesota Zoo. I'll have lots of pictures to share but for now I want you to admire this horned owl.

While we were admiring this horned owl and the trainer it decided to poop. She continued to do her thing, little kids laughed, and then when the crowd thinned out I finally got a chance to talk to her. What would I possibly want to talk to the trainer about? Oh, you know, I wanted to ask her if it was OK for me to lean over the desk to see the poop. Yeah, that's right, I wanted to see just how big it really was because it looked massive when it went flying out. I'm happy to report it was not nearly as large as it originally seemed, and my curiosity was satisfied.

Dusty thought I was crazy and made sure everyone else around saw that he thought I was too. You'd think there was something to be embarrassed about.

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