Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunday I was fortunate enough to get to spend time with both of my sisters as they came over to hang out with Dusty and I. OK, maybe they wanted to hang out with the kids too. Tara came over when the kids woke up from their naps and since it was a beautiful afternoon I decided I wanted to take Tara for a tractor ride. Yup, you read that right. I drove with Tara and the kids in the back. I'm such a great hostess!

The kids had fun riding around and Tara got a kick at how incredibly ridiculous the whole thing is. Andrea stopped over while we prepared dinner. We discussed getting some hay to put in it the trailer for Rory's 1st birthday party so that we could give "hay rides". I'm not sure how Dusty feels about that idea.

I'm guessing you are all curious as to how Max is doing, and I don't blame you, it's been a pretty stressful week over here. Max did not bite at daycare on Tuesday or Wednesday. Unfortunately he did bring his biting issue home on Tuesday and bit the neighbor girl. After the initial upset I realized that the incident was a blessing in disguise; now that Max has brought the problem home and it is no longer just a daycare issue, I get to take control!

So we bought Max a biting bracelet (it's a Red bedazzled thing - so pretty for my little boy - HA!) and I informed daycare what our plan will be. Yes, I like being in control. I also like that I get to focus on the individual (my son) as opposed to waiting to hear how the small group focus is going. Although that too appears to be working as he hasn't bit in the last 2 days which is a huge jump from the 10 times between Thursday, Friday and Monday. (Yes, I found out Monday about all those incidents when we should have been informed at the end of each day - so we had no idea things were so bad and so fast.) So we'll continue to work on the problem and hope that he will outgrow it soon. I know this cute little boy will figure it out!

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