Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rory has surprised me so much in the past week that I just had to share our new developments. Mom and Dad are still very special people to her but Max has become her object of affection. On Saturday morning Rory woke up before Max did which is very rare. While I was feeding her a bottle Max woke up. So I took Rory and popped her head in the door while I stood in the hall and said "Hello brother". Max thought this was pretty funny and chuckled but it was dark in his room and I don't think Rory got a good look at Max.

I was holding Rory against my chest and Max wanted to be picked up and held too. So there I am holding both my babies soaking it all in knowing this won't last forever. Rory turned her head and as soon as she realized that Max was right next to her she started squealing and jerking with excitement. By jerking, I literally mean her head is flying all over the place, she is arching her back, and she keeps trying to "touch" Max but her coordination is still a bit off so her hand is flying all over my chest and Max's body. Also, she has the biggest grin I've ever seen on her. Needless to say my enjoyment of holding my babies turned into a slight panic as Rory was squirming out of my arms but I got everyone down on the floor where Rory proceeded to squeal and laugh at Max. It was seriously an amazing moment.

Last night Max and Rory were getting their evening baths and Max started saying his animal noises. (The kid is seriously amazing when it comes to remembering what each animal says.) This isn't anything new as he loves this game but for some reason Rory was really getting a kick out of it so I decided to change it up. I told Max to tell Rory what the cow says and he turned to Rory and Mooed really loudly in her face. She started giggling and squealing instantly. So we continued with all the animals and got giggles out of almost all of them from Rory. Max knew he was doing something funny and kept getting louder at Rory and then looking to see that I laughed too. I was really disappointed that my camera wasn't back from Canon yet so I could record it all. Oh well, just one of those memories that will have to stay locked in my brain forever.

Rory started daycare this week and just like her brother she has fallen instantly in love with everyone there. Of course, they all seem to be wrapped around her little finger so how could she not love it? Today on our drive in to work I put on some music and was singing and Max was "singing" too. (He says mom over and over again in a singsong voice and thinks he is singing to the song, it is our usual morning routine.) Then I hear some chattering and I assumed it was Max just doing his gibberish. After a little while I hear the chattering and the "mom" singing and realize that Rory is attempting to sing with us! Pretty soon we're going to be like the Von Trapp family, well minus about 4 other kids!

I'm so glad we have two kids. It's exhausting and things are definitely not easier with two, but these moments wouldn't have happened if they both weren't there to make them.

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