Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have two very exciting things to report!

First is that I have less then $100 left to reach my goal of $500 for the MS Walk! If you haven't yet donated and want to, please visit my donation page.


Second is that Max is really grasping the potty now! I had noticed some minor changes in his potty attitude this weekend, but since he was in diapers for parts of each day thanks to our plans to be out and about, I didn't want to make anything of it. I guess I should have though because not only is Max pretty much going potty whenever you set him on the potty now (assuming he has to go) but he went twice at daycare yesterday! This is of course extremely exciting to me because he wouldn't go potty in front of anyone and hadn't gone potty anywhere but at our house. I was so excited yesterday! But then it just got better, and may be TMI for some, just a warning.

This morning, I walk into Max's room and he says "poo poo" as a hello to me. Now this is odd so I assume he is dirty. Well he isn't, so we go potty and then I sit down to feed Rory her bottle. Max comes over to me and says "poo poo" again and taps his butt. So we all go into the bathroom for the second time that morning and I read to Max while feeding Rory. (Not an easy task.) Max stood up two different times and I asked him if he was done and both times he said "no" and sat back down. Next thing you know he stands up and says "poo poo" and sure enough, the little man has finally taken a poo poo in his big boy potty! I was so excited that I think I weirded Max out a bit because he gave me one of those looks that says, "Um, mom, what's going on?" Oh well, he eventually jumped into the excitement with me and Rory even giggled as we danced the potty dance around the bathroom.

So we're 3 weeks in and I am seeing big changes. I think my goal of Max's 2nd birthday is looking better and better!

Oh, and yes, my first thought was "get the camera". No, of course I didn't, as soon as I realized what I was thinking I was completely grossed out. It's just that as a mom, I've adjusted to trying to grab the camera at all big moments in my kids' lives, so while it was a nasty thought if you understand the reasoning behind it you'll see I'm only partially insane. No poo poo pictures will be seen on this blog, or taken with my camera. Well at least not by me!

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