Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's all about Rory today.

Yesterday Rory had to get an immunization, normally she is a champ about getting a shot. We got to the injection room and I gave Rory the choice to have me go first (allergy shot) or to have her go first. Her response? "You go, I no get shot today!" Needless to say she cried and clenched her legs while the shot went in. 30 seconds after the shot was done, the band-aid was on and her pants were back up? She's happy as can be to pick out her prize!

Fast forward to later that evening and I swear she cried longer and harder about taking the band-aid off then she did while at the doctor's office! Band-aid removal is the worst, I do sympathize with her, and since we've pretty much removed most of her naps in exchange for a much earlier bedtime, evenings can be pretty rough for her.

Rory has also developed quite the attitude. It doesn't really affect me all that much. I don't play into it, I've become an expert at ignoring the crying/whining girl, and well, I grew up with Tara, I'm used to it. (Ha ha Ta-Ta, but so true.) As Rory works on developing her attitude she's tried out a few different things. We've had the pouty lip which was very short lived as soon as I did it back to her, the scream crying which thankfully rarely occurs and her newest favorite, the crossed arms.

The crossed arms, the squished up face, the attitude eyes? I die. Every time. She's getting too smart, she's figuring out my weaknesses!

She's also very into textures. Rory has never been one to use a fork or spoon for more then a few bites and as much as I would like to change this I have yet to convert her to using her utensils for a full meal. If I walk away? More then likely I will come back to the food smeared all over the table as she draws into it and smooshes it between her fingers. I get this is a phase and completely normal for a 2 year old so it doesn't bother me too much. Plus, it leads to pictures like this.

Hello Mac and Cheese mustache and goatee!

She's doing pretty well on the potty training front. It took Max about 3 weeks to really get the hang of things and I have a feeling it may take a little longer for Rory. She isn't easily swayed with bribes, is hard to distract when her mind is made up, and she likes to do things on her own time. I guess we wait and see!

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