Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's been beautiful outside these last couple of days and with this warm weather the snow has melted and the mud has disappeared almost completely. 

Do you hear me? My life is finally not being consumed by thoughts of mud! This is awesome.

So I bought the kids some paints... 

The intent was to have them paint outside where they could be messy and I wouldn't care. But then Max walked across the street unaccompanied by any adults and got grounded. And we were stuck indoors until Daddy got home. And the paints were sitting there calling to us, begging the kids to play with them.

I did cringe quite a bit while watching them mix the colors together. I mean, everyone knows you can't mix the colors up! So I focused my camera on the paints and convinced myself it was art, and it actually was pretty in the lens.

The paints are now safely tucked away for another day, outside, where they can be as messy as their hearts desire.

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