Thursday, September 1, 2011

So today was Max's first day of preschool. Yesterday while we got his backpack ready for school and talked about all the fun things he would do I started to tear up. Now, I'm not opposed to crying, but I was completely blown away as I had only been excited since we signed him up. So then I got nervous, and that night, I started to tear up again thinking about it. I mean, what if I started crying in front of Max and got him upset?

Thankfully that morning started out great! Max and I snuggled in bed like every morning then we got up for some cereal and to get Rory from her crib. We got ready and then we waited. Yup, we were ready to go at least a half hour before we had to leave. So I sent my excited boy outside where we took picture after picture after picture to distract him. And he was so proud he actually cooperated. I mean, look at this happy child!

Oh and that arm you see? That would be Rory.

Who insisted on finding a bag she could bring to Max's preschool. Because little sister has to be like big brother, right? And how can you not love her for being so excited too?

Max continued to tell Dusty and I how he was going to take the bus to school, and we continued to tell him that Rory and I would be bringing him to school, there would be no bus. I made sure to point out that he got to open the doors. And don't worry, he took his duty very seriously and made sure we all stood back while he yanked and pulled at those doors!

And lets focus on this backpack for a minute. You see, Max and I made a special shopping trip together, just the two of us, to get all his school supplies which included his backpack. Max has been looking forward to having a backpack for at least 6 months as he knew he'd get to have one when he went to school. So when they didn't have the Buzz Lightyear backpack Max wanted at the store? I gave him the option to either pick one out that was already there and he could bring it home that day or we could quick order a Buzz Lightyear backpack that the delivery man would have to bring to our house later. Five days after I sat down in the middle of the backpack aisle and helped Max pick out his backpack he is tearing into the box that came just for him.

Max did great when we dropped him off at preschool, we said goodbye, I told him I'd pick him up at lunch time and we turned and left. No tears, no screaming, he ran to play with the big trucks and Mama walked out with Rory. I may have teared up a bit on the walk to the car but it was short lived. And when we got back and picked Max up? I got the biggest kiss ever from him, and Rory even got a hug. I think it's going to be a great school year!

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