Tuesday, September 13, 2011

OK family and friends, I have a small request to ask and hopefully some of you will feel moved to do it. (I'm really not expecting everyone to.) Max has become our resident mailman. He walks to the mailbox every afternoon after his nap to get the mail. He gets so excited when he finds a card in the mail even though they are usually addressed to me. He has to open them to see what it looks like and who sent it and if we can we even point out the picture on our refrigerator. (Yes, I keep all my Christmas and Birth announcement pictures on the fridge and clean it off at the end of each year to make room for the new ones. It's a great way to feel surrounded by family. Now that you know that, be sure to send your picture this year!)

No, requesting your picture was not the actual request. Requesting mail for my son was. If you have an old card laying around, can you spare the 44 cents and send Max a little note? I promise you he will be required to send a return letter, so you can look at it as an investment since you're sure to get one of Max's masterpieces in return. (No, I don't think he's Picasso, just work with me here.)

And that's it. I should have pictures tomorrow of Max at his first swim lesson, so be excited! And thanks in advance to anyone that takes up my request!

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