Monday, May 23, 2011

We didn't get as far on the garage as we had hoped, all the raining stopped us from being able to work on it, but thankfully the rain let up enough times that we could get the veggies in the garden and we sneaked out to a movie one rainy afternoon which was a nice treat since the kids were with my parents. But mostly? We were sitting somewhere in the yard watching the storm clouds and calculating how long until they got here. Like on Saturday, while planting the garden, when I took this picture.

Friday was the only day we worked on the garage.The kids didn't get picked up until that evening and they sure had a lot of fun helping. They loved watching the dump truck pour the fill!

And don't forget helping Daddy with the skid steer!

Mama cut down a tree to make room for the garage. (To all you tree huggers, of which I consider myself, we had a tree service come out to move it first but it was decided the tree was on its last legs and not worth the expense.)

And of course, getting muddy after it rained. Because in our house we believe we're pigs and need to roll in the mud to survive.

Look at those knees! It was the greatest day of their lives!

I didn't take much for pictures after Friday. We were either scrambling to get something done between storms, eating, or sleeping. It was a busy weekend but I'm very happy with how much we were able to accomplish given the weather. The forecast predicts dry weather ahead and I predict many evenings spent working on preparing the garage for concrete.

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