Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My excitement for the wedding and getting to celebrate with my family was only quadrupled when I thought about the fact that Brooke, Dana and baby Eva would be there to celebrate with us! We finally got to meet baby Eva! How cute are they?

And let's not forget there were kisses to be shared!

We ended up staying an extra night as Brooke and Dana spent Sunday night at my parent's lake house. (Cousin Travis did too but sorry Trav, you'll just have to wait for your pictures to be posted...) We got a whole bunch of cuddles in with Eva!

And Brooke and Dana even brought Max a birthday present for him to open while they were here. How sweet was that?!

Even Dusty got in the snuggles with Eva. I'll have you know he sat down and took her from me so he could play with her. It was too cute not to quick grab my camera, he was in love.

It was so great to see Brooke, Dana and Eva. I hope they have a great visit this week with Grammy and other family and friends before they return home to that dreadful San Diego. Ha!

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