Friday, September 24, 2010

Max and Rory had so much fun last night, it was impossible to get them to settle down and go to bed. Of course, how can you possibly fall asleep when you know that Daddy and Chris are outside, in the rain, setting up a play set?!

Unfortunately, it just got too dark too fast for them to finish. So I promise to post a picture once it is all put together. As you can tell, the kids were really into watching them and it took all my energy to peel them away from the window.

Of course, it helps that Auntie Ta-Ta came over and that she was willing to play with the new witches' house that GG brought over for the kids last weekend.

What a great Auntie Ta-Ta, making evil witch faces and all! hehehe


  1. I'm impatiently waiting to see the finished playset!! Where are the pictures?? Where did you end up buying it from? Are the kids loving it?

  2. it's called a stinkface. Thanks.

    Love, Tata
