Friday, April 23, 2010

Last night was not so great. Dusty took Rory to the doctor and we were correct in assuming she has an ear infection. She only had the infection in one ear with some redness in the other so at least we're getting better at reading the signs and catching them early! They decided to give us a different medication to try and help with all the mucus coming out of her eyes. Yes, as previously noted, it is disgusting.

We put her dosage in her evening bottle and Dusty put her to bed afterwards. About an hour later she woke up unhappy and I went and consoled her. She never fully fell back asleep, but she was flailing all about while snoring so I put her back in her crib. She settled down, Dusty fell asleep to the TV and I got wrapped up in the book I'm reading. (Will Grayson, Will Grayson - uber good.) I finally put the book down and turned the TV off to hear Rory screaming. Dusty woke up and looked at me and I said, "how did we miss that?" I went upstairs to see that she had thrown up in her crib and got herself  in the process. So I changed her, calmed her down and gave her some Motrin in hopes it would help out.

I have her sprawled on my chest and she has relaxed but is turning her head back and forth. Next thing I know she is vomiting all over my chest. And not just a little bit! I saw food she must have had for lunch because I know we didn't feed her some of the food that ended up on me. I get Dusty to come upstairs and he grabs Rory and gets her in the tub. I, meanwhile, strip off my shirt and am walking around topless trying to hurry up and gather everything that needs to be washed. Well, all our shades were wide open so I'm doing everything I can in the dark in case the neighbors - who live acres away - see me. Yes, it was late and I was tired so I didn't want to go all the way downstairs to get a new shirt figuring I'd just do it after we got everything cleaned up. I know, I know, I'm still chuckling about how stupid that whole scenario played out to be, all I can say in my defense is that I was a bit shell shocked. I had just been vomited on and I couldn't run away, I had to clean it all up too!

After her bath Dusty and I give her more Motrin figuring that she didn't get any from throwing up and he gives her a bottle while I go downstairs to get a new shirt and crawl into bed. I just got into bed to have Dusty yelling at me that it's my turn. Rory threw up all over him halfway into her bottle! So this time I call the nurses line and am putting in my message while cleaning up. Luckily it wasn't as big of a mess and we mainly just had to get Dusty some clean clothes, get Rory clean clothes (pajamas #4 now) and strip the guest bed. Dusty is of course smarter than me and gets clean clothes right away instead of trying to hide from the neighbors - ha ha!

By the time the nurse actually called back we pretty much could tell Rory was going to be fine and that the meds for her ear infection probably just didn't sit well with her stomach. We think she made herself throw up the first time from crying so hard and that the other two times were because of the Motrin. Both times she got Motrin last night she threw up within minutes and when we gave her Tylenol she slept the rest of the night.

She's at daycare today. I didn't mention the vomiting since she's obviously not sick and that would have kept her out today; she was just reacting to the medication and isn't contagious with anything. They know she has an ear infection and that the meds weren't settling well so they are keeping an extra good eye on her. She did great with her meds this morning and we'll just make sure to medicate her with her dinner tonight to put a bit more in her tummy beforehand to aid with its digestion.

Dusty and I, well we are still shocked that Rory was the first to vomit on both of us. Being that Max is older we figured it would have been him, but nope, Rory wanted to be the first at something!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear you are still dealing with ear infections. I know exactly what you are going through because at this time last year, we were dealing with the same. Ear infection after ear infection. Owen got ear tubes last May and he has not had even one ear infection since. It's been fabulous! I hope that the Spring sickness season is almost over and you guys will be able to catch a little break on the pediatrician visits. It's no fun to have sick kiddos!
