Friday, April 16, 2010

I knew there would be moments that my children would make me laugh out loud. I didn't realize there would be moments that laughing out loud would be inappropriate.

Take for example the other night at dinner, Max was not happy with eating (he usually isn't anymore as he'd rather still be outside playing) and was dragging his fork across the table rather violently. Dusty took the fork and once Max calmed down Dusty asked him if he was ready to eat his dinner.

Max : "Yes"
Dusty: "If I give you your fork back are you going to eat with it nicely?"

Max not only said "No" but also gave Dusty what I can only assume is the warning look I give Max as a warning when he is being naughty. You know the look: the eyes that glare at you with a sideways glance and the stern face that says "you're pushing me to the edge here".

I instantly broke out into a huge grin and tried to cover my mouth so it wouldn't show but Max saw my eyes and knew I was smiling. He breaks out in this triumphant grin and says "MAMA". That's when I lost it and let loose a huge laugh. Luckily it defused the situation and we were all able to eat our dinner rather peacefully.

Now the question is, did I encourage him to act out again? Did I encourage him to use that look to get out of trouble? I've only seen him use it three times now, and all three times I've broken out into a huge laugh. This has to stop, I need to get control of myself. The last thing I need is for Max to learn he can give me a warning look to get out of trouble. How do you stop laughing at these inappropriate times when he looks so cute with that grown up expression on his face?!

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