Monday, January 14, 2013

Yesterday we were supposed to have a sledding party. It was Dusty's late Grandpa's birthday and so we thought it'd be a good day to all get together for some outdoor fun. Instead, it rained for a couple days making the snow very slick and the wind and cold weather prevented us from taking the kids outside. So instead we found fun things to do inside, like flashcards!

Yes, they were really excited to race each other at yelling out their letters. Kids!

Most of the men went out ice fishing as they were in charge of catching us some dinner that night. Once they were back things got a bit more wild. Some of them tried to catch a little nap.

Others played with the dogs and of course had to have a kid help them do that.

Uncle Randy? Well he was just an easy target for lots of wrestling.

It was a nice afternoon with the family even if we were all cooped up inside!

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