Friday, January 18, 2013

Max has been asking a lot of questions about life, death, and God lately. A lot of HARD questions. Tell me how you'd answer some of these.

Mom, how does God put a baby in your belly?
Why wasn't I made before you and Daddy got married?
Are you going to die before me?
How did God know to put me in your belly?
When will I die?
Am I going to have clothes when I'm buried?
Why can't we see where Jesus and God are buried?
When are you going to have another baby?
Won't God put another baby in your belly?

And the questions go on and on and on. Just when I think I finally answered one well enough for him he changes it up to some impossible question I couldn't possibly answer, in fact it may not even make sense, but he doesn't understand that, he's just trying to figure this whole idea of life and faith out.

I know this is a phase but it's a tough one! If he were a bit older I think I would be better prepared to answer some of these questions with more facts, but he's 4, and he's having a hard time grasping even the littlest bits of information I'm giving him. I just keep reminding myself that it's good he's not afraid to ask me the hard questions, even if I'm afraid to answer some of them.

1 comment:

  1. We went through the exact same thing. It was really hard and we lied through some of it. Like he didn't need to know who I got pregnant or how the baby came out. I think a big part of it is he wants to feel heard and validated, it's less about the answers and it sounds like you're doing great! Good luck!
