Monday, February 27, 2012

It's definitely a Monday back after a long weekend at the lake. Rory had already been in the bad habit of saying, "shut up" whenever she wanted to get a rise out of someone and with so many more people to react it really flourished. Max refuses to listen to anyone telling him what to do and likes to stick his tongue out and blow raspberries at you when you make him.

Oh, and lets not forget that Rory was only partially working on the potty training this weekend as I just wasn't motivated to keep at it with everything else going on. So today has been a battle to get her to go on the bathroom, and battles are what I'm most afraid of since that is when she seems the most determined not to do what we want, which is to actually use the potty.

So today we're staying in, keeping everything as simple as possible and I'm doing my best not to start too many fights with the kids while also trying to bring them back to the well behaved children I know I have.

Oh, and I'm also planning on having an alcoholic beverage once Dusty gets home. I need it.

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