Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All night last night the freezing rain pelted our bedroom window. Dusty and I did not get much sleep from all the noise. So it didn't take much convincing on my end to talk him out of driving to work so early in the morning, and so far away. So imagine my giggles when we looked out the window to see the plow truck stuck at our street corner. Mamas always right!

Even better? When you get out the vacuum and your husband takes it from you and starts vacuuming under the oven and refrigerator. He's all mine ladies!

The kids and I got busy on some finger paints. It was one of those mornings were energy levels were high (Daddy was home after all) and we needed to find some way to channel that energy. It was messy, but oh so fun!

Now, if only I could find an activity that actually lasted longer then the clean up did. That would be awesome!

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