Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yesterday the kids and I took Maya for a walk down to the waterfalls. It was a beautiful day and since the fall colors have peaked this week I wanted to try some pictures before the leaves started falling. I also just wanted to get out of the house before Max started acting out, hence him spending the day in his pajamas for these pictures. It really wasn't worth the fight.

Max and Rory had fun throwing the leaves in the air and having them fall all over them. I got lots of pictures of this, but it is still cute to show off!

Once we got to the waterfalls it was just gorgeous. The lighting wasn't the most ideal according to all the books, but I thought it was perfect to highlight just how bright and colorful the leaves were on the bluff!

Rory was so shocked at how well that photo turned out!

When we turned to walk back, Maya tugged so hard at her leash she was standing up on her hind legs. Since I had her pulled in close by the waterfall I couldn't get a good picture to show her standing but notice her head in the right corner of the photo, and then look to the center.

Did you see that? I'll zoom in for you.

Yup, there was a chipmunk not even 10 feet away just taunting her as she tried with all her might to get loose and chase it. (Please note how I was capable of holding Maya back and also get those pictures. Yes, that is skillz, with a z for emphasis.)

I have to show this baby off too.

That leaf was caught in mid-fall! Do you know how hard it is to catch a leaf in mid fall? Try it, let me know how it goes for you. I'll be over here, flaunting my abilities in front of anyone that will listen.

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