Friday, August 5, 2011

Today we are sticking around home and catching up on some much needed sleep. So to keep things entertaining I dug out our other pool for the kids to go sliding. Max took to it like a champ.

He was flying down the slide in no time, laughing and running to do it some more!

Rory needed help getting down the slide, but I couldn't help her if I was going to get at least one picture of her sliding so I asked Max to help. Rory was not happy, and I got this awesome picture to prove how unhappy she was with Max's help!

What's even more awesome is that when she was done she stood up and half yelled, half cried out "Cheese" to me because I was still standing there with my camera. If only I would have had it on video instead so you could have heard her depressed "cheese".

I may have a picture taking problem, I may....

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