Thursday, December 22, 2011

OK guys, it's time to share the stories I've been saving up all week. It disgusts me how I always thought I wouldn't be that mom, the one with the kids that act out or are uncontrolable. I realize now, you really have no choice, they may be perfect angels one day and the next day they are the complete opposite. Parenthood is something different, that's for sure!

Max was being silly and he likes to use bad words when he is being silly. Usually it's stupid, shut up, you know, bad words to our family. So when I thought I heard him say, "F***" I had to ask him to say it again just to be sure. Yup, that's what he said. So I looked at him and told him that we don't say that word. He got a really confused look on his face and said, "But I didn't say F***ing A."

Oh boy, yes, we have had to have that saying discussed before, so at least I know it stuck because I had never heard him say that again until just that moment. I just had a feeling it was going to be a long week after that discussion.

I had recently been thinking to myself how happy I was that neither of my kids put up much of a stink about their nap times. I'm getting to the point where if I even think something I get scared and want to knock on wood. Sure enough, on Tuesday when I told Rory it was bedtime she started crying and screaming at me that she didn't want to go to bed. When I went over to her and scooped her up, she whacked me right on my temple, hard enough to leave a red mark! And since it was square on my temple, I had an instant headache. Let me tell you, there was no difficulty with me getting her into her bed and fast after that.

Dusty and I had sealed the windows in both kids' rooms over the weekend. Maya had punched a small hole in Rory's that I was going to patch up but on Wednesday Max decided to rip the hole plastic covering along the bottom. He was talked to about this and I ripped it off since we were going to have to replace it. Later that day I went into Max's room to see that he had also ripped the plastic along the bottom of his window! So much for sealing the windows from the cold this year, they can just suffer.

I've been trying all new recipes this week from Pinterest and yesterday's recipe required rice so I had the rice maker out and running. Rory decided to unplug the rice maker in the middle of cooking our dinner. So much for having a dinner on time that night!

Today I'm just trying to survive. They haven't done anything really note worthy yet and I'm hoping maybe, just maybe, they've finally reined it in a bit. At least for my sanity, I really hope they have!

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