Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm interviewing Dusty about Max's first fish:

So Dusty, tell me about Max catching his first fish?
-Just do your deal, you enjoy it. I don't enjoy it.

No, tell me about it, I wasn't there.

(Max jumps on Daddy now - so he has to be good. Of course first Max tells me no and yells at me because he can tell Daddy is mad at mom and he is always on Daddy's side. This escalates to Max hitting my face and getting put in timeout. Yeah, great!)

-Bob and I taught Max how to fish. Bob had a fishing pole with a trigger release reel. He stuck the pole in the water and snagged him a monster.

(There was much more swearing and arguing as to what was too much detail while I try to get any information but this is a family friendly site so you can just imagine what really happened to get this information.)

So world, take at look at the monster that Max caught.

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