Starting last Friday, Max developed the "poo poos", as he so lovingly says when it happens. It was bad on Saturday but since then he has just been having issues once or twice a day. On top of that, two mornings we have gone into his room to find that he vomited in the middle of the night and then just went on sleeping. He's still in a crib so you can imagine what a mess both the crib and he are in by the morning.
The oddest part is that he is perfectly happy in the morning and just points to the mess and "talks" to us about it. I mean, who pukes and then continues to sleep instead of crying for us to come and get him?! He is such an odd ball sometimes! I've called the nurses line and they think it is just a stomach virus, as they are going around, and we've removed milk from his diet for the time being to try to help him out. But he is perfectly happy. I took these pictures the morning he threw up, does this look like a sick boy?
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