It was a busy weekend for us!
Friday we rushed out the door to celebrate Grandpa's birthday at Jimmy and Jody's house. We had a fun time taking Max sledding on their big hill. I didn't talk much with family, but I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to worry about getting others sick. Here's a picture of the birthday boy!

My parent's had agreed to watch the children for us that night so Dusty and I could have a date night, so we left Grandpa's party early to drop the kids off, run a couple errand and have a date night. Unfortunately, I really wasn't feeling good by the end of the evening so we ended up just stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings for a quick meal and then going home. I know, it really did stink.
Saturday Dusty was up early to go ice fishing with his brother Randy. I slept in a bit since I still wasn't feeling all that great and then mustered myself out of bed and picked up my friend Sara and her friend Matt for some snowboarding at Trollhaugen. I hadn't been snowboarding in two years thanks to my pregnancies so I was pretty nervous. Thankfully it wasn't as difficult as learning the first time and I think I was pretty much back to normal by the end of the day. While I didn't get any snowboarding pictures because I was too afraid of falling on my camera I did get a picture of the trout Dusty caught. (Yes, this is pre-fillet, we're classy like that.)

Saturday evening we headed across the backyard to celebrate Chris' birthday. We had a great time with Chris' family, Andrea made some awesome steak fajitas, and we all know I love guacamole so I was very happy. Max had a fun time helping Chris open his gifts!

Sunday I was officially sick and developed laryngitis so I laid as low as is possible with two kids under two. It was a very fun weekend, but I'd like a date night do-over where I'm not sick! Hopefully we can figure one out sooner than later; the way the month is going, it's looking like later.
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