Randy and Ashley came over for New Year's Eve and the four of us spent the evening playing Wii. Ashley and I were kicking the boys' butts at bowling so we had a great end to the year! But the best part of the evening was dinner; Dusty made steak, lobster and cheesy potatoes. I don't know how I ate so much.
Randy and Ashley watched the kids for the afternoon and evening and they got Rory giggling! Dusty and I got home too late to try to get her to do it for us but we are both looking forward to hearing our little girl's laugh - apparently it is really adorable.
My exciting start to the year is that I finally got a minivan! Yup, I'm that mom now! Needless to say I am very happy, and Dusty is very unhappy, although he does see the benefits to having the van. He keeps saying he is going to go into the business of installing sliding doors on SUVs like Suburbans and that he'd make millions since so many parents want sliding doors but don't want minivans. We'll see if he actually ever does that!
2009 was an interesting year for us. We had triumphs and turmoils galour but we've survived them all. I hope 2010 is a bit less uneventful!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! I'm glad to hear that 2010 is starting off so good for you. And a new minivan!! Wow! What kind did you get? We broke down too and bought a Honda Oddessey when Owen was born. It's so much easier and although I always said I would never own one, I absolutely love it now. I couldn't imagine going back to an SUV. Welcome to the minivan mom club :-)