We spent the last weekend up at my parent's lake house. The trip started out horribly, as the trailer we had blew a tire and we ended up sitting in a driveway waiting for Katie and Andrew to catch up to us with a new replacement tire. Luckily, the kids were amazing while we sat in the car and we eventually made it up to the lake.
My dad was busy getting shelves up in the closets and Max really enjoyed being his right hand man, as he would run back and forth between the closet and the garage as soon as he saw Bopa heading that way. It was pretty dang cute.

Grandma got to get lots of cuddle time in with her grandbabies. Here she is being goofy with Rory, who of course loved it!

Of course the cousins were adorable as always. Here they are playing with Lyla's dolly, with a little help from Auntie Katie. Rory is getting so big and just loved watching the two older kids play, and they were great at getting right up in her face and making her smile!

I wasn't able to get every scrapbook page done that I had hoped, but it wasn't because I didn't have the time, I was just ill prepared. Last week was really busy for me and I never really sat down to make sure I had everything I needed. It's OK though, I got a few pages at least mostly done and it isn't like we won't be getting together again. It was a nice weekend away.
Too bad Lyla, myself, and both my parents ended up sick on Monday. It appears we all shared some bug this weekend. It seems to be a minor bug as I am planning to return to work tomorrow since I'm feeling better and I'm really hoping it doesn't go any further than me in my family. We've had enough illnesses to go around for a while. Poor Max isn't even over his stomach bug yet!
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