I hung out in Mankato with my college girlfriends Friday night and Saturday. I was very excited to have a night away and to get a chance to just relax, have a couple drinks, and gossip with my girlfriends. (It's been a long couple of weeks if you haven't been keeping up with my blog.) Naturally I brought my camera, licorice, and Doritos to make for the ultimate night! Erica started putting the licorice to good use and I decided to join her!
It was Becca's turn to be the sober one, as you can tell she is pregnant and just happy watching us all get goofy. Stay tuned for early spring when their baby boy/girl arrives; you know I'll be shouting the news here. She is carrying very, very low, so I'm predicting it's a boy as is most anyone that sees her!
I had a great time with the girls. They are always fun, and great at helping me through all sorts of problems. That weekend's goal was to take me shopping and help me find clothes. After having 2 babies in less than 2 years, I hadn't shopped for non-maternity clothes and I was getting pretty desperate. They were great and helped me continue to trudge along even after finding things that looked horrible! I wouldn't have made it through the day without them. Thank you ladies!
While I was gone on Saturday, Dusty and the kids were at Ukrainian Christmas with Dusty's stepfather's family so they were having plenty of fun without me. We were all a big happy family again on Sunday and I even got this gem of a picture as Max will occasionally get down on the ground to show Rory her toys.
It was a great weekend for all. Now I just need a weekend of strait sleeping and I may actually feel closer to my "old self". You know, the one that didn't have babies constantly under tow, would get 8 consecutive hours of sleep, and had Dusty all to her self? Yeah, I'll never be that self again, but a girl can dream of sleep can't she?
While I was gone on Saturday, Dusty and the kids were at Ukrainian Christmas with Dusty's stepfather's family so they were having plenty of fun without me. We were all a big happy family again on Sunday and I even got this gem of a picture as Max will occasionally get down on the ground to show Rory her toys.
Love you Ashley. I love that you went shopping and had time for yourself. And Im sure EVERYTHING looked good on you! Please let me know if you ever need to have a night for just you and Dusty, I would love to take the kids off of your hands, and give you two "loveydovey time". I hope you have a better week!