I have 3 stories to share today. I could space them out as 3 separate posts, but I really wanted to share all of this so I'm going to put them in one and hope I find more material for this week yet!
Story #1:
While on vacation this weekend, Dusty and I were fishing and heard this odd noise and started looking around. Eventually we saw that a bald eagle was descending right above us and the noise we heard was the wind on the eagle's wings as it descended from up in the sky! It swooped down right next to our boat and plucked out a fish! Dusty got some pictures of the eagle eating the fish in the tree. It was really cool to see!
Story #2:
Max is going to be a genius people, a genius! A few times now, I've caught him pretending to dump his potty into the toilet when there was no potty to be dumped and telling me that he went potty. I've also caught him pushing his sister out of his way to get at a toy and when she started crying he told me "Rory fall down Mama."
Wait? Aren't these all stories about Max lying to me? Ah, yes it is! And thanks to my co-worker, I have been informed that a two year old lying is actually a good thing. Apparently the younger the age a kid starts lying, the more intelligent they are. Naturally I was intrigued and did my own research. Here's an article on the study, if you are so intrigued:
For the record, I'm not really excited. While the study does help me feel better I'd rather just skip this little developmental stage!
Story #3:
The play set is finally setup. As you know from
this post, Dusty and Chris picked up our play set late last week. I had been searching on Craigslist for pretty much the whole summer along with talking to family and friends on trying to find a play set that had at least 3 swings, a slide, and monkey bars. Those were things I absolutely wanted as I felt it would leave room for friends to play with them and give them things to grow into.
We finally found one that was within our price range, and was still available when I called. I was so excited! The weather? Apparently felt otherwise. Dusty and Chris picked it up and brought it to our house in the rain. Chris stuck around to help setup the main part and then the boys called it a night because it got too dark. As you know, we were out of town all weekend, so the play set sat only partially put together for a few days. Dusty finally got it finished yesterday evening. The lighting isn't great for the picture, but here it is all setup!

As you can see, it's got a slide and monkey bars to the left. There is also a rope ladder and a trapeze bar on the two sides of the slide. Then you have the fort and there is a tire swing underneath. After that is the swing beam with room for 3 swings and also a rope swing at the end. I think the kids are going to love it, I can't wait for them to get home today and get to finally play on it! Now we just have to find an infant seat for Rory to be able to swing a little more freely, but the horse swing will work fine for now.
Now do you see why it was too hard to pick which story to share today and which ones to save for later?