Monday, September 20, 2010

Rory is 1 year old today! We had an awesome celebration for her yesterday, and in order to explain the awesomeness I thought I'd start out with the last photo of the night...

Yup, that would be our bag of recycling that broke open while at the top of the stairs spilling it's contents out, breaking bottles along the way. So much fun cleaning that up - but I still say the party was worth it!

Now on to all the cute stuff! I made Rory a tutu for her birthday. It was so fun to make and she looked uber adorable in it too! I couldn't get a really good picture that shows off just how poofy and fun it was but here is one of her with her Auntie Andrea.

Rory had a lot of help opening presents. In fact, with cousins Allison and Lyla and brother Max there I think she finally just got too overwhelmed and ended up crawling away with one of the stuffed animals were she sat content while all the bigger kids tore into her presents. Hopefully I've got all the gift givers and gifts down correctly for the thank you notes - it was a bit hectic with all the help. Everyone was really generous though and Rory has lots of fun girl toys to play with now!

Then we were on to cake. Look at how pretty I decorated?! And thank you cousin Anna for all your baking and decorating of the cupcakes. Everyone was praising her left and right and now you can too when you get a look at all this amazing work she did. (She also baked the cake for me to decorate.)

Rory didn't really know what to do with the cake at first. I'm sure she thought it was a big toy.

She eventually got it though and started enjoying every bite. So much so that we had to give her a little more after she got through her first "piece".

Look at that, she does smile for pictures!

Happy Birthday Rory - and thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate! Also, a thank you to those who assisted Dusty and I with everything. Having your back go out the night before your daughter's birthday party is definitely stressful. I'm sure I'll be back to share that story - but thank you for all your heavy lifting for me!

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