Christmas morning was a new tradition for us. We stayed home and opened presents from Santa and ate delicious eggs benedict that Dusty made. Santa even brought Dusty a present, the new Jay-Z CD.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas morning was a new tradition for us. We stayed home and opened presents from Santa and ate delicious eggs benedict that Dusty made. Santa even brought Dusty a present, the new Jay-Z CD.
We started out at Joe and Bridget's home in Stillwater. Luckily it really wasn't a bad drive as all that snow that was forcasted just didn't show up. We had a great time and found out that purple was the color this year! It's become a joke that the last few Christmases almost all the women end up wearing the same color, and this year was no exception as most of us were in purple. We naturally had to get a picture of this and then decided to take a sassy picture for our good friend Don who lives in Miami. He'll love our Christmas picture for him!
We then proceeded to Annette's home for the evening where most of Dusty's family congregated. They brought back out the pinata game since we finally had some little kids big enough to hit it. It was so cute to watch. Jody helped Rory get in a swing.
Lyla was just a ham as she would hit the pinata and then turn and smile at everyone that was cheering her on. Naturally both her and Max got very upset when their turns were over.
Max even went so far as to hit his auntie Rosie for taking the bat away. It was very naughty but so, so funny too. Luckily no one was laughing loud enough over his crying to encourage that behaviour. Max did get in quite a few good hits though!
I also had to get a picture of Max with Brayden since the two of them looked so handsome in their sweater vests!
Christmas Eve was very fun with Dusty's families. I am really looking forward to next year as both my kids will be big enough to run around and play with all the cousins!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
They are a handful at times, but then I look at pictures like this and I wonder how I got so lucky!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Max riding the Barbie tricycle we got Lyla. Yeah, he spent the evening on that bike, good thing Santa has decided to bring Max his own tricycle on Christmas Eve. (And even better that he can't read this to find out in advance!)
Suzanne and Curt with all the grandbabies! From left to right, Oliver (4 days), Lyla (17 mos), Max (19 mos), Allison (2 yrs), Rory (3 mos).
Dusty and I in our Christmas finest. Nothing says Happy Holidays like a Santa tie and Christmas sweater!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh yeah, her first article hasn't been published yet so there may not be anything but her picture and a link to her bio when you click, but I was so excited about it I wanted to brag in advance. Keep checking it out as I'm sure she will be very entertaining.
Monday, December 14, 2009

And lastly, one of the best looking families around, if I do say so myself!
I'm looking forward to getting my pictures up on the walls of our house. I mean, who doesn't like to show off their kids?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday night Rory was up at 2am, Max was crying at 4am, and then Rory was up again at 5:30am! Thankfully Grandma came over to our house to watch the kids as I was far to exhausted to try to get them dressed and out of the house in time for me to get to work. After work I had to jet home and grab Rory to go to her physical therapy appointment. By the time I got home, ate dinner, got the kids into bed and finished up with chores around the house it was 9pm and time for me to get to bed. (I know, early, but did I not mention the recent sleeping schedule?!)
We had another terrible night with Max up screaming at midnight, Rory up at 2am, then Max was up for the day at 5am (much to our dismay) and all his jabbering got Rory up for the day at 5:30am. I had to be out the door early to get to a doctor's appointment before work this morning and after work I'll be taking Rory to the chiropractor. (This is in hopes to prevent any more ear infections as one was more than enough for me!)
Tonight when I get home for the chiropractor Dusty will be making tacos for dinner which is one of my favorite dinners to have so here's to a more positive rest of the week! I'll post more about Rory's therapy later, that was a very informative visit.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Max has become a toddler in just a few weeks time! He really enjoys saying "no", even when that isn't an answer to a question. Like this morning Suzanne was over to watch the kids and asked Max what type of clothes he wanted to wear today and his response, "no". It was pretty funny. He also enjoys waking up in the morning and then finding the first naughty thing he can. I'm learning to be on top of him the minute I let him out of his crib. He also is still enjoying his new trick, "the hulk", as Daddy taught him. He tenses up all his muscles and it is really funny. I snapped this great picture of him doing it after a spaghetti dinner so he is especially cute with out his shirt, a very blotchy face and drool down his front.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I haven't actually asked our pediatrician, and I won't meet with the physical therapist until next week when I take Rory to her appointment, but I don't believe Rory has a severe case of this. She is able to turn her head to look at her right side, she just doesn't do it often or for very long.
She seems to be adjusting to the stretches. She didn't like them while Dusty was showing me what to do, but I was learning it and jerking her around so I don't blame her for being upset. Later in the evening I tried them on my own and she did just fine. I don't think they hurt her, it seems like she is more bothered by the fact that she is being pinned into one position for 30 seconds at a time. We will continue with the physical therapy (or PT for those in the know) once a week for 4 more weeks and then every other week for 4 more visits. If she adjusts well to her exercises it could drop down to once a month, so we'll continue in hopes she gets better fast!
Thank you to everyone for all your support and advice with this! It is especially nice to have a couple of you to talk to about this as you have or are also going through this with your children. I didn't even realize it was so common - its been amazing to have your advice and encouragement!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
He was hunting in Northern Wisconsin where you could only shoot bucks this year because the population was down, so we are deerless this year. Luckily Grant and Lisa were lucky enough to get a deer during bow hunting season and sent us some meat...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Of course we also had to squeeze in another visit to Urgent Care for Rory, and of all times it had to be Tuesday evening as we loaded up to leave. It was pretty funny having the truck all packed for going up to the lake and taking a detour there, mainly because it has just become routine for me. So Rory is on her third set of antibiotics for the same double ear infection she has had for 2 weeks now. Luckily these are only for 5 days instead of 10 and we plan to take her back in next week to see our pediatrician and have her ears looked at again. Like I said, it is just becoming routine to go there.
Thankfully, once we got to the lake Dusty was more than willing to get up with Rory for her night feedings and let me catch up on my sleep. It definitely worked out to my advantage that every time he called, both kids just happened to be crying. We're all back together now though and I'm very, very thankful for that!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The best part? We all went to Olive Garden for lunch! Mmm mmm, or maybe that was just the best part for me...
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Since I feel as though I've become that paranoid mom I proceeded to call the nurses line to see what they thought. You'd think by now I'd know that if an infant is at all sick they're going to tell me to take her in, yet I proceeded to call in hopes they'll say something like "wait it out". So naturally I was told to take her in to get checked out. Luckily Urgent Care wasn't busy and we got in real quick. I hate the idea of introducing her to any more diseases. I mean, when my car broke down at the Dr's office I refused to go back in and wait, we walked around outside until she fell asleep. (Keep in mind it was in the high 50's - if it was too cold I wouldn't have done that.) Anyway, back to today's visit, we met a very nice pediatrician who took one look in her ears and said "whoa". Apparently her ears were very infected and the medicine she was on had not been working. So he gave her a shot of some new medicine and we will proceed to orally give her the medicine for another week.
We have her 2 month check-up with our pediatrician on Friday. I really hope we do not have to go to the doctor's office anytime earlier than that. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm tired. Rory has been a trooper through it all. She continues to work on her smiling and cooing and tries real hard to not let this all bother her too much. Man I hope this is the last time I write about Rory being sick. We're all hoping for that!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday's blog left off complaining about my car not starting after everyone was sick and I had taken Rory in to the doctor for the second time already that week. Don't worry, later that afternoon while helping Andrea I stepped on a staple and lodged it into the bottom of my foot.
Wednesday morning at about 3am Rory decided she was not going to sleep for more than a half hour at a time so we had a really rough morning. Dusty was feeling better and went to work so I was home alone with both kids sick. Yeah, it was a fun day of whining, crying, and illnesses. Rory's temperature started to slowly creep up and sure enough by 7pm it was 100.7 degrees which means we were once again heading off to the doctor's.
Thankfully, Uncle Randy was able to come over and stay at our house so Max could stay home and sleep. His fever was over 102 degrees, but no need for alarm at his age. Dusty and I both went since we weren't sure what to expect; I knew there was a strong possibility we'd be heading to Children's with this fever. The doctor that evening just happened to be our pediatrician that we had seen all week! I have to admit, it was really relieving to see her frustrated at seeing us and seeing that Rory was still getting worse. It's just nice to know you're not crazy. I mean, we'd been to the doctor's office 3 times in the last 4 days now and I hate feeling like I'm just being overprotective.
She asked some questions and then told us we'd have to take the next step now that she has a fever and do some blood work. Both Dusty and I were nervous because we weren't sure if that meant she was sending us to Children's and we really didn't want that outcome. Our doctor started to examine Rory and lo-and-behold, she has developed ear infections in both ears! On Tuesday, both our doctor and the resident she is training checked Rory's ears and they were fine, so between Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening they flared up. Apparently that isn't all that uncommon. Since she is so young, and has been sick for 6 days, there was no question that they were going to treat it. (We have never once treated an ear infection on Max yet.) Also, because of the ear infection, we had reason for the fever and there was no longer a need for blood tests. Yippee!
So now Rory is getting antibiotics, I was permitted to give her Tylenol for her fever, and I am so happy we could finally drug her! I'm sorry, I know our children are over medicated, it's a fact of life, but 6 days of Rory getting progressively worse and worse and no way to comfort her makes you very happy for a prescription. We're still treating her bronchitis with the nebulizer, and she's getting the antibiotics for her ears which makes things a bit interesting but we get to start weening her off the nebulizer starting today. Hopefully we've reached the top of the hill and it's all down from here!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dusty and I were fortunate enough to be able to get both ourselves and Max vaccinated against the H1N1 on Monday. The unfortunate part was that both of us reacted to the shot. I was just achy while Dusty had a full on reaction with nausea and the like. So I loaded up the kids and went to my in-laws to keep them out of Dusty's way and to also get a little help since I wasn't feeling 100%. Rory's coughing seemed to be getting worse while we were there and she didn't sleep much so we had a pretty crabby baby on our hands.
Last night Rory's cough got much worse so I got up and called the Dr's office to make another appointment to go in. Max woke up with a fever and Dusty was still feeling terrible. Luckily, Randy was not working today and was able to come over to help with Max while I was out. Everything is still looking great in Rory's lungs so they believe it is just yet another viral infection that should peak around days 5 and 6 and then slowly get better. We're on day 5 so hopefully it peaks today instead of tomorrow! Then I should still expect 2 weeks of coughing which is just awesome since she has been coughing for almost 6 weeks now. (Yes, that was sarcasm for those of you that didn't read it that way.)
I loaded Rory up and we left only to get to my car that refuses to drive. I say "refuses to drive" instead of "won't start" because it started just fine but then it would jerk a little bit and the engine would just shut off. Another phone call to Randy to come and get us this time! So my car is currently sitting at the clinic until Dusty can get a little more energy today and then he is going to go get it and tow it to who knows where and get it fixed. They both think it is the fuel pump but who knows. The way my day has been going the car is probably totaled and we'll dump a bunch of money into it before coming to that conclusion. OK, I may be a bit over dramatic here, but come on, you just read about my day, it's allowed.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Upon returning home that evening I found out that Rory was once again sick. She had never gotten over her cough from when we were at the hospital and I had planned to call the Dr's office this week if it didn't go away but of course it can never be that simple. Sunday she developed a low-grade fever. We went to Jill's baby shower since I wasn't able to leave her at home, (I had stuff to bring for the shower) luckily she never really got worse, just kept coughing.
We went to the Doctor's today and they did another chest scan and oxygen level check. They are treating her for bronchitis and we are going to be doing the nebulizer for a few days now in hopes that will help with all the congestion since there appeared to be some in her lungs. Hopefully this will clear everything up and she is so far doing great on the nebulizer, we just have to hold it in front of her face since she is still too small for the mask. (Which is a cute fish...)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Rory wore the same baptismal gown that Andrea, Tara and I wore so that was very special. Of course now I have to store it until someone else uses it, thanks mom! Ha Ha. Needless to say I was exhausted from this weekend and of course that means the kids will be up before 7am the next day, and no Dusty to help since he is working. Oh the joys of being a family of 4!