Day 6 was MUCH worse!
Tuesday's blog left off complaining about my car not starting after everyone was sick and I had taken Rory in to the doctor for the second time already that week. Don't worry, later that afternoon while helping Andrea I stepped on a staple and lodged it into the bottom of my foot.
Wednesday morning at about 3am Rory decided she was not going to sleep for more than a half hour at a time so we had a really rough morning. Dusty was feeling better and went to work so I was home alone with both kids sick. Yeah, it was a fun day of whining, crying, and illnesses. Rory's temperature started to slowly creep up and sure enough by 7pm it was 100.7 degrees which means we were once again heading off to the doctor's.
Thankfully, Uncle Randy was able to come over and stay at our house so Max could stay home and sleep. His fever was over 102 degrees, but no need for alarm at his age. Dusty and I both went since we weren't sure what to expect; I knew there was a strong possibility we'd be heading to Children's with this fever. The doctor that evening just happened to be our pediatrician that we had seen all week! I have to admit, it was really relieving to see her frustrated at seeing us and seeing that Rory was still getting worse. It's just nice to know you're not crazy. I mean, we'd been to the doctor's office 3 times in the last 4 days now and I hate feeling like I'm just being overprotective.
She asked some questions and then told us we'd have to take the next step now that she has a fever and do some blood work. Both Dusty and I were nervous because we weren't sure if that meant she was sending us to Children's and we really didn't want that outcome. Our doctor started to examine Rory and lo-and-behold, she has developed ear infections in both ears! On Tuesday, both our doctor and the resident she is training checked Rory's ears and they were fine, so between Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening they flared up. Apparently that isn't all that uncommon. Since she is so young, and has been sick for 6 days, there was no question that they were going to treat it. (We have never once treated an ear infection on Max yet.) Also, because of the ear infection, we had reason for the fever and there was no longer a need for blood tests. Yippee!
So now Rory is getting antibiotics, I was permitted to give her Tylenol for her fever, and I am so happy we could finally drug her! I'm sorry, I know our children are over medicated, it's a fact of life, but 6 days of Rory getting progressively worse and worse and no way to comfort her makes you very happy for a prescription. We're still treating her bronchitis with the
nebulizer, and she's getting the antibiotics for her ears which makes things a bit interesting but we get to start weening her off the
nebulizer starting today. Hopefully we've reached the top of the hill and it's all down from here!