Sorry the pictures are grainy, they're from my cell phone. It's hard to take pictures of Max with my camera because the minute it comes out he goes running to get behind it to look at where the camera is pointed. Needless to say he is getting too dang smart. Anyway, Max has developed a bit of a shoe fetish and I've been documenting it on my cell phone. I got a picture of him taking on and taking off his new galoshes today in the basement. Keep in mind this is the fourth pair of shoes he's done this with today.

I also have an excellent picture of Max in our closet putting on Mom's stilettos. Like I said, he's developing a bit of a shoe fetish and who can do that without adding stilettos to the list?

He actually prefers to wear Daddy's shoes. He's brought two different pairs upstairs today to put on and also was putting on Daddy's work boots in the entryway. It is really cute to see but also somewhat annoying because he becomes very frustrated when he can't walk in them and cries. It's also an annoyance because he likes to bring them upstairs which means everything else that was on the shoes also makes their way upstairs. I'm sure it is just a phase though so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts. And he's so dang cute, who can stay mad at him anyway?
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