Upon returning home that evening I found out that Rory was once again sick. She had never gotten over her cough from when we were at the hospital and I had planned to call the Dr's office this week if it didn't go away but of course it can never be that simple. Sunday she developed a low-grade fever. We went to Jill's baby shower since I wasn't able to leave her at home, (I had stuff to bring for the shower) luckily she never really got worse, just kept coughing.
We went to the Doctor's today and they did another chest scan and oxygen level check. They are treating her for bronchitis and we are going to be doing the nebulizer for a few days now in hopes that will help with all the congestion since there appeared to be some in her lungs. Hopefully this will clear everything up and she is so far doing great on the nebulizer, we just have to hold it in front of her face since she is still too small for the mask. (Which is a cute fish...)
Ash, It is Sam. I saw your blog from facebook and thought I would look to see how you and your family were doing! Let me know if Rory does have Asthma and if you need any more info etc.. as I have had it all my life etc.. Hope all is well!!