Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rory had her physical therapy evaluation on Monday. Dusty took her since I have returned to working full time so I don't have a lot of information regarding the actual visit. I wanted to offer this WebMD link for all of you that are curious about Torticollis. I think it gives helpful information in explaining the issue and why we need to stay on top of treating Rory:

I haven't actually asked our pediatrician, and I won't meet with the physical therapist until next week when I take Rory to her appointment, but I don't believe Rory has a severe case of this. She is able to turn her head to look at her right side, she just doesn't do it often or for very long.

She seems to be adjusting to the stretches. She didn't like them while Dusty was showing me what to do, but I was learning it and jerking her around so I don't blame her for being upset. Later in the evening I tried them on my own and she did just fine. I don't think they hurt her, it seems like she is more bothered by the fact that she is being pinned into one position for 30 seconds at a time. We will continue with the physical therapy (or PT for those in the know) once a week for 4 more weeks and then every other week for 4 more visits. If she adjusts well to her exercises it could drop down to once a month, so we'll continue in hopes she gets better fast!

Thank you to everyone for all your support and advice with this! It is especially nice to have a couple of you to talk to about this as you have or are also going through this with your children. I didn't even realize it was so common - its been amazing to have your advice and encouragement!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I'm glad you are getting it all figured out and hopefully you won't be in "PT" ;) too long. After 4 months, our therapist says we are SO close to being torticollis-free. It is a nagging thing but just stay on it and keep up with the stretches and little Rory will be fixed up in no time! ~Natalie
