Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This past weekend the kids, Dusty and I went to our local gym for their Easter Egg Hunt and various other activities. Since there is still a ton of snow on the ground they had to move everything indoors. Our gym was packed with lines everywhere! This? Is my Easter Bunny photo, because Dusty was not going to take a lot of time getting a shot when there was such a huge line and some parents further ahead of us really ticked everyone off by taking way too long on their turn. So, Rory is covering the Easter Bunny.

Thankfully, I don't really care for these photos as the Easter Bunny is sort of creepy, life sized that is, but the kids wanted to see him. They had a disco themed egg hunt this year, where they weren't really hidden but laid out on the floor for the kids to run at with a limit of 5 eggs each.

We also got to pet animals, dye eggs, and make other various crafts. They also had face painting but the line was incredibly long so we told the kids when we got home that Mommy and Daddy would paint their faces with our own face paint. Max suggested that the kids get to paint our faces too. I had plans that evening so my face was not getting painted, but Daddy was game.

Didn't they all turn our marvelous?

As I was writing this? Rory got sick on my sock and the kitchen floor. Between, Rory, Max and I we've had an illness in our home since last Wednesday. And I've now been puked on twice, once by each kid. Thankfully it seems to be a short lived virus but send some healing thoughts?

P.S. to Brookey - I blame you for asking if my kids were sick; I knew you'd jinx us!

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