OK, I have some old photos that I've been meaning to post from the last time it snowed. Chris plows our driveway for us and with every snow he's been coming over and loading the kids up in his truck so they can plow with him. Of course, they love it and this last snow fall I was able to snap some photos as the weather was warm and their windows were open!
Yes, I'm aware, I'm a terrible mother because I'm taking pictures while he's plowing our driveway with our kids not buckled into booster seats. And their windows are open too! I must just be asking for trouble! (Ha ha, beat you to it, now you can't judge me.)
As you can tell, they love every minute of it. And Max? Well he's just a professional now and explains how they move the snow every time he thinks of it. That pile over there? Well they had to go from this side and push it this way...
This winter has been a fun one, lots of snow giving us lots of things to do, but I'm ready for spring! Well, actually I'm not ready for the first part of spring with all the mud, Rory already has me dreading that part.
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