Sunday, February 3, 2013

Some stories to share, because it's been a while since I've done one of these. To be honest, I get a bit confused as to what I have shared and what I haven't shared, so if something is repeated, I'm sorry!

Story #1
Dusty woke up to Rory crying and screaming at midnight one evening. Daddy headed up the stairs as Rory was screaming, "I'm done!" and crying because apparently she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She still needs help with cleaning up after a #2. She'll yell, "I'm done" and we know we need to go wipe. So this night, she apparently got up and went to the bathroom and had been yelling for us while we'd been sleeping. When Daddy got to the bathroom she was very upset that she'd been yelling and "no one was coming!" Poor girl, what a confusing concept for her!

Story #2 & #3
As I've mentioned before, the kids have made up their own siblings. Max, when he wants to share a story, or a tall tale if you will, starts telling us about how his brother did something unbelievable. His brother is strong enough to lift our house up, he's super old, he's five years old, he's caught 100 fish, he's ate mussels, he had cake for breakfast, and numerous other funny little tidbits that have come to Max's imaginative mind.

Rory's older sister is usually named Annie and while Rory doesn't make up many stories about her she's still a big part of Rory's play. She isn't really an imaginary friend but when Rory talks about what she's done that day, her sister will also have done it with her. Rory and Max also love to play family and Rory will try really hard to get Max to let her have two girls, so there are sisters. While Annie is her usual name choice, she's also been called Falley, Kacey, Nyla and many other names Rory can think of. We hear about their siblings numerous times throughout the day, they've become family in a way, which I do find ironic.

Story #4
The kids are still playing together really nicely and as I mentioned above their favorite game to play is family. Literally. They will play cars but it's called "car family" and there are parents, a brother and a sister, and any other family they think up. This also goes for "duck family" in the bath, "horse family" with the My Little Ponies, "monkey family" with their stuffed get the idea, everything is family right now. It's adorable and so fun to watch.

Story #5
Max came home from school with a fishing pole and a paper fish. He quickly made more fish and has been playing this game a lot. We had to make Rory a pole too of course. My kids and their desire to fish still makes me smile, their Daddy has claim to them too I guess!

Story #6
Rory was rubbing Max's head and he was just sitting there, when I asked her what she was doing she showed me how she was scratching his head and neck. How cute is that, she was giving him a massage! Have I mentioned how well they are playing together?!

Story #7 & #8
I know I've already talked about the tough questions Max has been asking lately regarding death, life and God. We're still struggling to answer these questions and my library is getting a shake down as I try to find books to help with their curiosity while also assisting me in explaining some of these difficult concepts. I have two small stories to share still. The first, has Max asking Daddy questions about death; Daddy told Max that Daddy was going to die when he was old and Max started crying, hard, for a good five minutes he went from inconsolable sobs to the choking breathing as he tried to settle down. His only understandable sentence? "I don't want you to die when you're super old!" It was heartbreaking yet the very truth of how we all feel. The second story I promise is much more funny.

Max has taken a much stronger interest in babies being made in bellies. He continues to ask if God is going to make another baby in my belly and I keep telling him that God hears my prayers and knows that I do not want any more kids. So one evening Max asked Daddy if Max could have a baby made in his belly when he got big. When we told him no, Max then asked Daddy if he could have a baby made in his belly. At this point we're all giggling, Daddy and I at how cute this question is, and the kids are laughing because Mommy and Daddy are.

Story #9 (and the final one)
We go to the gym a few times a week and Rory and Max have made friends with the many kids there. Every time we go Rory will get so excited when she sees certain friends and will announce loudly "My boyfriend is in there!" Of course, it's even better when she follows that up with, "And my girlfriend is too!"

OK, I think this is long enough and should cover most of the stories I've been meaning to share over the last couple months. Hopefully it brought a few smiles to your face!

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