Saturday, November 17, 2012

Today was a very exciting day as we went to visit SANTA! We spent the morning working on our lists and pictures to give to Santa. Look, Max wrote Santa's name all by his self!

Santa was yet again awesome with the kids, I really do love this Santa. He looked at their pictures and talked with them about them, it was adorable!

Reb and Jane rode with us and we had Jane go first in hopes she wouldn't get too anxious waiting, it worked well. She didn't smile but she also sat nicely!

Lyla and Nora were also with us and Lyla was so adorable trying to hold in her excitement at getting to take her photo and talk with Santa. Look at her!

Max and Rory went next, here's there official photo for this year. Yes, I know, it's a goofy one but it was either that or the cheesiest smiles ever. I chose real and goofy!

Lyla finally got her chance to talk with Santa and she was adorable with him.

Nora, well she wasn't into him. This photo makes me laugh so hard though!

Mommy did attempt to sit with her to see if that would help.

The photo was cute but they decided to purchase a hilarious one of Nora trying to throw herself out of Santa's arms while Lyla smiled oh so sweetly. I love this time of year!

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