Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My mothering is not up to par today. As soon as Max got on the bus I let out a huge sigh of relief. While both of them are handfuls, once Max is gone, Rory is usually quite calm and happy with her alone time. Today we're keeping busy with crafts and baking. Here's a sneak peak of what is to come from our kitchen today.

Rory's thanksgiving craft, not dry for cutting and assembling. (Yes, they are all on my camera phone resulting in crummy images, sorry.)

Our first attempt at Buffalo Ranch Pretzels, cooling for sampling. (Recipe here, with an additional Tbsp. of Buffalo as suggested.) **We have since sampled them, they're good although the spice doesn't register until you've had a few.**

Rory playing her favorite game; pretend nap time with her baby, princesses (only the prettiest), and puppy.

And of course, some french bread dough to bake for dinner tonight. Another recipe favorite from a book I got at the library.

Randy and Ashley will be watching the kids for us while Dusty and I attend Max's school conference during dinner tonight. No frozen pizzas over here, spaghetti bake, fresh bread and salad sounds so much better, doesn't it?! I'm sure Dusty and I will be rushing home to eat it too.

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