Friday, September 9, 2011

Yesterday was a hard day; the funeral for my Great Uncle Andy. His death was sudden and unexpected and left everyone a bit shocked. The kids and I headed to GG's Wednesday where we spent the night with her and the kids did a great job of distracting her. What with their refusal to go to bed and constant need for GG's affection.

Thursday we drove the 3 hours to the funeral. I didn't get to see much of the services as the kids were overtired and wound up from being in the car so we spent most of the service outside. The visit to the grave site was somber, until the kids showed up with Max and Rory running right in front of the pastor and Rory yelling "Hey Guys!" to the group when we got there. Thankfully it led to some much needed laughs. (Even if Mom was mortified at first.)

Afterward we all headed back to the house where we got to talk and visit with cousins and second cousins (and even thirds or seconds once removed, however that works.) It was a beautiful day and so nice to get to visit with so much family we never get to see enough of. It was a bit surreal, and soon enough we were on our way back to bring GG home and then head home ourselves.

I'm exhausted today, emotionally and physically. You will be missed Andy. And if you could send a couple big fish Max and Dusty's way, they'd really appreciate it.

Andy's obituary, if you'd like to know more about this great man:

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