Friday, September 16, 2011

Today Max and Rory had a special treat. First off, their Daddy is home from work today and secondly, Uncle Randy dropped off Maya this morning to play with us. Since it was still pretty chilly this morning I was able to convince Dusty not to work on the garage this morning and instead to take us to a new place to try out some fishing.(And also some photos.) Say hello to the Apple River!

We didn't catch a single fish but it was still fun to be there and the kids got to throw rocks in the water while Maya ran up and down the shoreline.

Dusty got a little excited casting and got his lure stuck in a tree on the other side. Look at that mountain man, scaling sharp rocks in pursuit of a three dollar lure.

I love that he just waded in, clothes and all, the kids and I got to laugh at his feeble attempt to use a stick to find shallow water!

And lastly, Maya was hilarious. There was a downed tree and she just kept attacking it thinking she'd be able to walk off with this tree as her new stick. What a silly puppy!

It was a nice morning together, and we were even able to take some family photos that will probably be used for our holiday card this year. (Thanks for the tripod Mom!) A perfect relaxing morning after all the craziness of yesterday. Tonight? Dusty and I are going out to celebrate our wedding anniversary. A day early but I'm just happy we were able to find a night to ourselves to celebrate the best decision Dusty ever made!

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