This weekend he was playing around while Dusty was folding laundry and he jumped up excitedly and proclaimed "potty". Sure enough, he wet himself, but the positive thing is that he is getting the concept. So now we are waiting for him to understand telling us when he has to go so we can make it to the bathroom, instead of him telling us after it has happened. (And to those of you that like to rub it in that Amelia is pooping in her potty, ahem Laura, I think the friendly competition is now on!)
Auntie Ta-Ta was over Sunday morning and she was even helping Max use the big boy potty.
In Rory news we had her 6 month checkup. She is still a big girl. She is at the 90th percentile for her height at 27 inches long - she's going to be a tall one! She weighed in at 17 pounds which put her in the 81st percentile, so she's losing momentum there. Her head circumference was 17 inches keeping her in the 85th percentile, so she's still showing lots of brains.
As noted previously, Rory has been suffering from a cold and it turns out she has bad ear infections in both ears. So she is currently back to antibiotics for 10 days and then we'll have to take her back in to have her ears checked again. She also has a case of eczema which means we now have to remove bath time as a bedtime ritual for her and slather her body with sticky Aquaphor to help combat the dry skin patches. Behind her knees is the worse and so we are putting cortisone cream on those areas to help with the inflammation. Nothing like taking your daughter in for her well check to find out that she is not well. Then again, it is Rory, is she ever really well?
Doesn't she look so content sleeping? I'm hoping that the medicine is helping with any ear pain and the sticky lotion is helping with any itch. This is only the second time I've ever found her sleeping on her back - spread eagle - so I'm going to take it as a good sign and hope that we'll some day have a very healthy little girl!
Haha, well, you guys are definitely putting more effort in than me! We really aren't reinforcing it much. When she says poopy we just run her up there! I think I'm going to really get into it when she turns 2 this summer and moves into the next classroom at her daycare (where they start helping the kids out with it).