I was outside playing with Max and Rory after work and I kept feeling a breeze on my thighs. I figured it was just because I was wearing lighter pants and since I just bought them a month ago I wasn't used to how light they were. When I got into my pajamas yesterday and went to get my pants I realized there was a gigantic hole right in the middle of where my butt was! Seen in the middle of the picture below:
I mean, how do you not notice that the seam ripped on your pants?! Thankfully they are a loose fitting style of pants and on top of that, I've lost a bit more weight since last month and was upset that my new pants were on the big side. So I don't think anyone actually saw the hole. At least all my coworkers claimed to have never seen it and I know that Randy or Dusty would have said something had they noticed that evening. So now I'm stuck with a newer pair of pants that have a split seam. Here's another picture with my hand in the pants just to give contrast on the hole:
In not really embarrassing news, but life altering - I got my hearing aids on Monday! I'm in the 45 day trial period so I'm still adjusting to them and I am not yet able to wear them the whole day. (It gets painful, kind of like how when someone gets glasses it takes a while to adjust your body to having them on all the time.)
I've been pleasantly surprised. I decided not to tell a lot of people that I got them and then wait to see if they say anything. So far, its been obvious that they are not easily spotted. Here's a picture of what you'd see when looking at my ear:

The hearing aids are really tiny and they don't wrap around the back of my ear, they just sit up on the top so you can't even see them from behind. I am a little self conscience of them but I've been pulling my hair up to try and convince myself that they are really not a big deal and that most people wouldn't notice unless they were looking for them. So far, its working, as not many people have noticed them until I've said something - including Dusty who knew I was getting them. He thought I didn't have them in when I met him. So that was reassuring.
The hearing aids are really tiny and they don't wrap around the back of my ear, they just sit up on the top so you can't even see them from behind. I am a little self conscience of them but I've been pulling my hair up to try and convince myself that they are really not a big deal and that most people wouldn't notice unless they were looking for them. So far, its working, as not many people have noticed them until I've said something - including Dusty who knew I was getting them. He thought I didn't have them in when I met him. So that was reassuring.
The difference in my hearing abilities are not always obvious to me, but them something little happens and I get a big grin realising that I just heard something I wouldn't normally hear. Listening to the radio has become a real treat as I can make out a lot more words on the songs that I didn't even realize I wasn't hearing! I think the biggest thing I struggle with now is that a lot of people still don't understand why I have hearing aids. It isn't a volume thing, I can hear people talking when they whisper or are quiet, its a frequency thing, so certain sounds were never clear to me. Like "sss" "th" "ph" things like that.
I'll continue to work with the audiologist on adjusting the new hearing aids. One issue I'm having is that when Max cries there is a slight ringing. So obviously there are still issues I'll need to work out, but so far I've been very happy with the quality and enjoy hearing "new" sounds!
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