Tuesday, March 30, 2010
First is that I have less then $100 left to reach my goal of $500 for the MS Walk! If you haven't yet donated and want to, please visit my donation page.
Second is that Max is really grasping the potty now! I had noticed some minor changes in his potty attitude this weekend, but since he was in diapers for parts of each day thanks to our plans to be out and about, I didn't want to make anything of it. I guess I should have though because not only is Max pretty much going potty whenever you set him on the potty now (assuming he has to go) but he went twice at daycare yesterday! This is of course extremely exciting to me because he wouldn't go potty in front of anyone and hadn't gone potty anywhere but at our house. I was so excited yesterday! But then it just got better, and may be TMI for some, just a warning.
This morning, I walk into Max's room and he says "poo poo" as a hello to me. Now this is odd so I assume he is dirty. Well he isn't, so we go potty and then I sit down to feed Rory her bottle. Max comes over to me and says "poo poo" again and taps his butt. So we all go into the bathroom for the second time that morning and I read to Max while feeding Rory. (Not an easy task.) Max stood up two different times and I asked him if he was done and both times he said "no" and sat back down. Next thing you know he stands up and says "poo poo" and sure enough, the little man has finally taken a poo poo in his big boy potty! I was so excited that I think I weirded Max out a bit because he gave me one of those looks that says, "Um, mom, what's going on?" Oh well, he eventually jumped into the excitement with me and Rory even giggled as we danced the potty dance around the bathroom.
So we're 3 weeks in and I am seeing big changes. I think my goal of Max's 2nd birthday is looking better and better!
Oh, and yes, my first thought was "get the camera". No, of course I didn't, as soon as I realized what I was thinking I was completely grossed out. It's just that as a mom, I've adjusted to trying to grab the camera at all big moments in my kids' lives, so while it was a nasty thought if you understand the reasoning behind it you'll see I'm only partially insane. No poo poo pictures will be seen on this blog, or taken with my camera. Well at least not by me!
Monday, March 29, 2010
It was a nice afternoon away from home, I wish I could have stayed there all day talking and laughing with everyone. But of course, my other life waited and I was soon rushing off to meet Dusty and get some shopping done. We were able to sneak away without the kids for an hour as my parents watched them. Of course, that hour was spent shopping, but it was our first solo trip in a very long time so we relished in it. Now on to yet another busy week!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
We went with Andrea and Ava, some friends of ours and I forgot to ask Andrea if I could post pictures of Ava so unfortunately you won't see more then just her back in the picture below. The kids had a great time playing before the "hunt" started. I love this picture I got of Max coming down the slide.
It was my first time going to a Easter Egg Hunt. I was surprised by how many kids were there since we stuck close to home, which is pretty rural compared to our surrounding areas. But the kids didn't seem to mind. Max was showing me one of the two eggs he got. Yes, he only got two eggs. The kid didn't quite grasp the concept before all the bigger kids swooped up the eggs. But I got this picture and that is all that matters.
It was a nice Saturday and a good way to prepare for Easter. Now I just have to buy eggs to dye. Of course I bought an egg dye kit and convinced myself I had plenty of eggs only to come home and find out we have none. Ah, and that is why I made parent of the month!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I was outside playing with Max and Rory after work and I kept feeling a breeze on my thighs. I figured it was just because I was wearing lighter pants and since I just bought them a month ago I wasn't used to how light they were. When I got into my pajamas yesterday and went to get my pants I realized there was a gigantic hole right in the middle of where my butt was! Seen in the middle of the picture below:
The hearing aids are really tiny and they don't wrap around the back of my ear, they just sit up on the top so you can't even see them from behind. I am a little self conscience of them but I've been pulling my hair up to try and convince myself that they are really not a big deal and that most people wouldn't notice unless they were looking for them. So far, its working, as not many people have noticed them until I've said something - including Dusty who knew I was getting them. He thought I didn't have them in when I met him. So that was reassuring.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Here is the birthday girl Allison getting into her cupcake - yummy!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This weekend he was playing around while Dusty was folding laundry and he jumped up excitedly and proclaimed "potty". Sure enough, he wet himself, but the positive thing is that he is getting the concept. So now we are waiting for him to understand telling us when he has to go so we can make it to the bathroom, instead of him telling us after it has happened. (And to those of you that like to rub it in that Amelia is pooping in her potty, ahem Laura, I think the friendly competition is now on!)
Auntie Ta-Ta was over Sunday morning and she was even helping Max use the big boy potty.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
While 6 months is a big milestone, Rory decided to make it a memorable one. She was the crabbiest I had ever seen from about noon until bedtime. She has developed a cough with her cold and it prevented her from sleeping which made her miserable and so incredibly overtired and crabby. We were and are giving her the nebulizer to try to help, but it didn't do much and she pretty much screamed the rest of the afternoon. It was terrible. Max's nap was cut short because of all the screaming from Rory so he was a crabby little man and I was home all alone with basically two crying/screaming kids. Pretty sure it was a miserable, no good, terrible, bad day.
Thankfully the kids are on the road to sleep recovery. Rory seems to be back to her normal cheerful self after taking a 3 hour nap this morning and Max is currently sleeping for his afternoon nap and after all the fun stuff he did this morning having both aunties Ta-Ta and Andrea over along with Chris to play with - well lets just say I doubt he'll be up anytime soon!
Friday, March 19, 2010
He has gone potty for me in the mornings and he loves getting his M&Ms when he goes. So we'll continue on this path in hopes he'll start learning how to recognize when he needs to go and telling us. Like I said, my goal is to have him potty trained by his second birthday which gives us a couple months, I'm not going to expect much more then baby steps.
Rory and Max have both been enjoying the outdoors with this warm weather we've had. Rory will play in her stroller while Max scours the yard. Max has also pulled Rory in the wagon which resulted in Rory slamming her face on the side. I wasn't there, Daddy and Uncle Randy were supervising (and video taping for those that saw it on my Facebook account).
Hopefully the weather will remain nice this weekend and we can spend more time outdoors. Bring on spring!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The biggest success of the day though is that Max told me he went potty. He had an accident, but as soon as he had it he signed "potty" and also said it to me. So he is starting to really understand the concept. I went shopping and got a bunch more training pants and plastic pants that we'll take to daycare tomorrow. I did a bunch of research and it looks like cloth gets faster results than pull-ups. Of course, that is controversial and depends on who you talk to, but I have no problem with washing dirty underwear and it seems more parents had better results this way. (The bare butt method was actually flaunted the most, but I'm not willing to let him use my carpet as a toilet.) We used cloth diapers for the first 3 months of both Max and Rory's lives so I know what I'm getting myself into with the laundry.
Hopefully being wet and uncomfortable will make him even more dedicated to using the big boy potty. My goal and hope is to have him potty trained by his 2nd birthday, which gives us two months. Hopefully it goes well at daycare and having other kids using the potty will encourage him!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
I've been walking for MS now for four years. It is a very exciting fundraiser for me as one of my best friend's family has been directly affected by MS and I've been fortunate enough to have amazing family and friends support me in my fundraising efforts. The walk is in May and I'm looking forward to not only walking, I'm also looking forward to a new tradition of having both Max and Rory walking with me. Hopefully after many years they too will decide to support this organization or other organizations they feel strongly about!
If you'd like to help me reach my goal of $500 please click the link to go to my fundraising page:
I'll be sending out my usual email in the next week and that will have my mailing address for those of you that would prefer to mail me a check instead of entering in a credit card online. Feel free to email me if you'd like my address.
As most of you know, my goal is to get 50 people to donate $10 to reach my goal. If you would like to donate a different amount, please do, anything will help!
I'm already feeling better, nothing like raising money for a good cause to scare away those rain clouds!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
To top it off, we met up with up with Kristen and her boys, Jackson and Tyler, and Auntie Ta-Ta also joined us so it was a very fun day to watch the kids enjoy all the views and catch up with everything that has been going on in our lives. I forgot my camera (I know, I know...) but thankfully Kristen sent me some pictures to use for my blog.
Here are Jackson and Max checking out the waterfall in the rainforest part. It was way to hot and humid for our winter clothed selves but we were able to lose a few layers to enjoy it.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Here's the online article if you're interested. The photo isn't captioned there and it is also smaller then the print version.
I guess I'll have to find a way to display both the articles to remind myself that at least for one month (or year if you believe the photo caption in the newspaper) I was the number one parent!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I was holding Rory against my chest and Max wanted to be picked up and held too. So there I am holding both my babies soaking it all in knowing this won't last forever. Rory turned her head and as soon as she realized that Max was right next to her she started squealing and jerking with excitement. By jerking, I literally mean her head is flying all over the place, she is arching her back, and she keeps trying to "touch" Max but her coordination is still a bit off so her hand is flying all over my chest and Max's body. Also, she has the biggest grin I've ever seen on her. Needless to say my enjoyment of holding my babies turned into a slight panic as Rory was squirming out of my arms but I got everyone down on the floor where Rory proceeded to squeal and laugh at Max. It was seriously an amazing moment.
Last night Max and Rory were getting their evening baths and Max started saying his animal noises. (The kid is seriously amazing when it comes to remembering what each animal says.) This isn't anything new as he loves this game but for some reason Rory was really getting a kick out of it so I decided to change it up. I told Max to tell Rory what the cow says and he turned to Rory and Mooed really loudly in her face. She started giggling and squealing instantly. So we continued with all the animals and got giggles out of almost all of them from Rory. Max knew he was doing something funny and kept getting louder at Rory and then looking to see that I laughed too. I was really disappointed that my camera wasn't back from Canon yet so I could record it all. Oh well, just one of those memories that will have to stay locked in my brain forever.
Rory started daycare this week and just like her brother she has fallen instantly in love with everyone there. Of course, they all seem to be wrapped around her little finger so how could she not love it? Today on our drive in to work I put on some music and was singing and Max was "singing" too. (He says mom over and over again in a singsong voice and thinks he is singing to the song, it is our usual morning routine.) Then I hear some chattering and I assumed it was Max just doing his gibberish. After a little while I hear the chattering and the "mom" singing and realize that Rory is attempting to sing with us! Pretty soon we're going to be like the Von Trapp family, well minus about 4 other kids!
I'm so glad we have two kids. It's exhausting and things are definitely not easier with two, but these moments wouldn't have happened if they both weren't there to make them.