It has been quite the week. I have to warn you again, this may be TMI and will probably embarrass Max when he is older, but we've had some updates since my last TMI post on Max.
I took Max in to see the pediatrician on Wednesday morning because his "poo poos" had not stopped and had been going on for over a week and a half. The pediatrician informed me that he appears to have a case of the Toddler Poops. Basically, some toddlers tend to develop a digestive issue that lasts for about a month and then goes away on its own. Max seemed to fit this description since he has not shown any signs that he was feeling ill, he just can't seem to stop pooping. Thankfully, he is eating and drinking well, so he isn't getting dehydrated.
Every morning from Monday through today Max has woken up around 5:30am in the morning, crying, because he has leaked through his diaper. So every morning this week I have been in his room cleaning up both him and his crib. Both Monday night and tonight he has accidentally pooped while taking his bath; today Rory was still in the tub with him! So there have been multiple baths in this house this week.
We have been sanitizing our bathtub and toys almost every evening since we're constantly putting his poo covered body in the tub to wash him up. My poor bath rug has got white dots all over it now from the bleach splashing over the tub and on to it.
We were able to get the prescription Butt Paste for his derier and that has done wonders. With all the pooping, his rear end was getting burned and he was in a lot of pain. Diaper changes were horrible! The last couple times no tears were shed, which was quite the relief because I must admit, I did some crying with him on those.
Of course, Rory had to get some attention too. She started getting a red, goopy eye and both Dusty and Uncle Randy were convinced it was pink eye. This of course had to be on Wednesday, I mean, one visit to the doctor's office couldn't be enough. Thankfully the pediatrician agreed with me and said it looked like her eye was reacting to her cold and it appeared that she was draining out her eye instead of the dreaded pink eye. I love when I'm right! She's already showing a lot of improvements as she hasn't had nearly as much goop.
So it was once again a sick week in the Cochran household, with Max having pooped for 2 weeks now and possibly having 2 more weeks to look forward to, myself coming down with a bug, and Rory making sure to get herself some attention with a non-pinkeye, pink eye. I wish I could say Dusty has remained illness free, but he has started to feel a bit ill, so we'll see what tomorrow and the weekend brings.