Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today Max and I attempted another recipe I found on pinterest. (I blame all the cookie making on the holidays, even though it is also a nice way to fill up some time while Rory nap.) This time, it didn't turn out quite as well. Rolling the balls was easy enough, and Max sure had fun.

The white melting chocolate and I are not friends. I'm pretty sure its all my fault for not buying the correct chocolate (I bought the morsels instead of bars because there were not bars at the store we stopped at.) So it was really thick and wouldn't properly coat the balls, and when I attempted to get them to coat, the balls started to fall apart. So the chocolate coating ended up being a cookie and chocolate coating.

And there was also the small issue of there not being enough chocolate since it was going on so thick.

But you know what? The cookies still taste amazing, Max had fun, and everyone got a second night of dessert.

So I'm going to go ahead and still call this a win, I'm a winner people!

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