The Miami post. A little late, but very well detailed and pictures to share!
I arrived in Miami and was disappointed to see that I was still comfortable wearing my sweatshirt. It wasn't quite 70 and I am a freeze baby so the sweatshirt remained on. I got to my room and snapped an instant picture of my view, which was perfect as I was able to look out at the ocean while comfortably relaxing in my bed.
Being able to see the ocean from my bed was going to be even more of a bonus then I realized. As you know, I planned to do a little bit of reading on the beach while I was there. I hardly packed clothes, my bag was full of books.
I instantly went out to sit on the beach, but had to take a picture of the boardwalk because I couldn't believe how many people were out walking and how bundled up some were while others simply were not. I kicked it in capris because I was in denial that I was really that cold.
I didn't spend much time on the beach and ended up curled up in bed the rest of the evening reading and watching the ocean while the sun set. The following morning I woke up to rain. It stopped raining around noon and I had to go for a walk. I mean, who flies to Miami to sit in their hotel room and read all day? My feet were freezing as I took off my shoes to walk in the sand. But again, I'm stubborn, and I wasn't going to be all bundled up. Notice how red they are from being cold?

I stumbled across what I can only assume was the setup for a wedding that must have come and gone as there were flower pedals scattered all around. It was very pretty and naturally I had to get a picture. Shortly after I took my picture a man approached me and had me get a picture of him and his wife. They were leaving that day on a cruise ship and would be celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary. It was so cute! I snuck a couple pictures of him helping his wife down the aisle too. Hopefully they liked the little surprise. I can only hope Dusty and I are so lucky in 40 years.

After an hour walk I once again ran for the warmth of my bed and spent the rest of the evening snuggled up and reading. It was just too cold and there was no heat option for my room. Really, did I not tell you that my view of the ocean was very lucky? I would have been so disappointed being locked up in my room and not able to at least have a nice view. I woke up Sunday to finally see the sun. Around 10 a.m. people started braving the cold and lying around in their swimsuits. I did have quite a few goosebumps from the winds but I was determined to sit in the sun as long as I could manage. It was too windy to be on the beach though, so I was pool side. Really? That was just fine as I was warm and comfortable.
There were always planes flying about pulling advertisements along the beach. Really not a big deal but than people started mumbling as one came by. You'll have to take a look, it was rather funny!
This is what a sunny day looks like. It was short lived but it was beautiful. It is always so amazing to see how much the ocean waters change their colors based on the day and you can really see how much more turquoise it was Sunday compared to Friday when I arrived!
Miami was not the vacation I hoped for. I didn't get to relax on the beach, reading and soaking up the sun as I had hoped. I also was not prepared for my allergies to act up thanks to all the wind, nor the lack of sleep I would get because of all the noise. I could hear toilets flushing in other rooms, phones ringing, the airplanes constantly flying by, along with the occasional helicopter it didn't make for nice, deep sleeps.
So I came home pretty exhausted. (Although Don and Roberto are partially to blame for that, more to come later.) It was still great to be by myself and to have no one else to answer to. So for that, I'm glad I took this vacation. I thought I'd want to blog more, keep up with Facebook, or do other social things but I must have an inner hermit (or a strong desire to just connect with myself) because I rarely touched my computer except to check the weather in hopes it would be warm that day. Harry Potter and I became fast friends last weekend, and I'm very happy with my decision to reread the series as it was a great way to get lost in the books instead of dwelling on unanswered hopes.
My next vacation? I WILL learn how to perform a sun dance that guarantees beautiful weather! And maybe bring my husband with...if he's good.